Friday, September 5, 2014

Five Minutes Friday: Whisper

The joys of living in a home where both my husband and I work nights.... he gets up @ 330 am Mon.-Fri.  And I work minimally 12 hour nighshifts... needless to say someone is always napping.... we do a lot of Shushing.... shush... to our 3 preschoolers.... speaking Quietly much less the word "Whisper" seems to not be heard by them.... Ha! Usually quiet the opposite!!!

As an adult though we need to have time in God's word to hear His whisper.... to hear His still quiet voice!!!! We need to be constantly whispering prayers to The God we trust.... I think all too often I am weak in my faith in God because I neglect His Word and neglect talking to Him through constant prayers and quietly listening.... welcoming His ever presence!!! He promises to never leave me!!!! Let's challenge one another to cling to HIM!!!

Official 1st week of preschool: D

This has been a overall good week.... First day was wild with whining kids but they have not only gotten better at their High 5 morning routines but have impressed their momma teacher with what learning! We worked on the letter D and lots of dinosaurs.... even learned dinosariuro in Spanish.... and added a new C word and dia for day plus all three doing good with other words from summer. Our group time went well most days and we had brad here during some of it. Tony is catching up with girls on songs and pledge... and Emma said let me do our verse without help and she recited Psalm 37:4 all by herself and Z and T almost have it... D: Delight... Our verse song was ok as CD was scratched but we still had fun learning.... today was a good reminder for me to look to God when overwhelmed and stressed and to delight in Him!  Started something new with individual time to get ready for using trays as soon as they arrive.... we have done lacing cards, math, coloring, size sort, patterns, cut n paste, do a dot D, read lots of D books, cutting practice, letter manipulative, Pattern blocks to form D, handwriting practice-#3, Dd, and oval shape, letter hunt in story and lots more... lots of outside play too!
I planned for 3 days giving the girls 6 activities each day and Tony did most of LOTW work just not the K4 work.... And decided to have a home day today which has been great for this road runner!!! We did group time this am and played art after.... lots of watercolor done, then Emma played Kindergarten games on computer and Z painted both hands forever (totally reminded me of hunger games... She might be on to something... that's a talent... body art.. ha!) While Tony cut up paper tile they decided to work together! Giving me time to work on next week's lessons....

Quiet time for girls now and nap time for Tony.... 1st week down! YEAH!!!! So thankful for all support and encouragement others have given me! Pressing on to E.... needless to say we have an E who is excited!!!