Thursday, August 7, 2014

Five Minute Friday: Fill

Five Minute Friday: prompt: Fill
Joining up with this group....  5 minutes... go!

My first thoughts are on how I need to be daily filled with God's word? All too often I am too busy or it is not a priority.... Why? When I know it is the secret to life.... to JOY!!!! Its my guide book..... I let myself become distracted by the world.... things I love more..... but then I look no different than the world around me!!! So I need help. Slaying these dragon's of idols I cling to over Worshiping God!!! I have the Holy Spirit.... I need others to encourage... and point me to His word!!! We all do!!

If you could fill a jar up, what would it be? For me I always come to GRACE.... God has given me so much GRACE.... and if I want to look more like Him... then I need to be handing out GRACE every chance I can.... I need to learn to breathe in Grace and breathe GRACE out!!! I need to see the urgency of a lost and dying world before me and take His Grace and Truth out by speaking and living it out!!!!  I need to preach the Gospel to myself daily... hourly... and proclaim it out to others!

I pray in God's grace we will all live out this Grace filled life that glows by the truths of the Gospel!!! That daily we will walk to look more like Jesus and be filled by the Holy Spirit!!!! To hold one another comfort, encourage, and fill each other with Hope-that is only known in Christ!!! LIVING out the changed hope perspective!!!
Linking with FMF hosted by Kate Moutaung on


  1. Hi Leslie!
    Happy Five Minute Friday to you! What an encouraging post- encouraging us to fill our jars with His light and not be pulled aside by the lies of the worlds distracting dragons. Oh, do I struggle here too! Thank you for sharing!! Blessings to you!

  2. Just recently I have been trying to build my relationship closer to God. I wake up every day and read a chapter in my scriptures before I do anything. Your post is so encouraging. Thank you for sharing!
    -Hope #fmfparty

  3. Amen. Your words have filled me with encouragement and refreshment, Leslie. God's Word brings me back into balance. If I could fill a jar tonight, I think it would be filled with His forgiveness for I had wandered far and realized I needed Him dearly 21 years ago. He took me into His arms and poured love all over me. I am so grateful.
    Caring through Christ, ~ linda
