Thursday, July 10, 2014

Five Minute Friday: Belong

So joining up with Lisa Jo Baker again with all the writers on her 5 min. Friday... Where she gives you s prompt & you write for 5 mins. Check it out....
<a href="" title="Five Minute Friday"><img src="" alt="Five Minute Friday" title="Five Minute Friday" style="border:none;" /></a>

BELONG.... GO...

This is a loaded word for me tonight as it reminds me of my thoughts this week..... First it brings to mind my friend Betsy whose service I attended this week! I tell everyone she was unique.... Betsy belonged to many of us through her friendship & love but she #1 belonged to God.... She was herself & wasn't always trying to fit in or impress... . she stood out but she belonged to God & that was evident in life she lived & now she fully knows that belonging!!!!

I also learned this week that I want to be more like her.... To worry less about trying to look like everyone else but to enjoy #1 the WHO I belong to.... To live life as a daughter of God & to give to others by living out His Gospel & Grace!

I too often struggle with wants especially housing but I am once again reminded of my need to trust Him & be thankful for all He has given.... To not aim for stuff of this world but strive for the things they are eternal!!! Need to constantly remember who I belong to & trust Him!

Because of Christ I belong.... Nothing else really matters!!!!

Done. 5 min. Friday.... #fiveminutefriday
Join it! :) #FMFParty

<a href="" title="Five Minute Friday"><img src="" alt="Five Minute Friday" title="Five Minute Friday" style="border:none;" /></a>

1 comment:

  1. Yes to that deep knowing of belonging in Him. So sorry for the loss of your friend - sounds like a wonderful lady.
