In the Beginning, God created a perfect world & He said "it is good!".... Man & God were in perfect communion. Adam & Eve lived in the garden and were able to eat of all except one tree, "Tree of knowledge of Good & Evil" and they were able to eat of the "Tree of Life".... they had it all, the best food in plenty, God's presence, peace, NO SIN..... But at the tree temptation entered and sin took it's hold & Eve choose to eat of the "Tree of Knowledge" & Adam participated as well.... they choose to disobey God & now our perfect created earth bears the mark of sin & we are all born sinners.... this was the FALL which shows man's total depravity......
The Tree is talked about all through Scripture.... Ceremonial sacrifices and so much more...
One passage that really stands out to me is Psalm 1: that talks about "Believers" being like trees planted along side a river and these trees bear fruit each season without fail! (v.3) Their leaves do not wither and in all they do they prosper! I think about this passage often & how this should look in our lives and how we should be like these trees described by God.... planted beside the river.... fed & nourished by the Living Word of God and here we may bear fruit and our leaves will not wither but in all we do in Christ will prosper!!! I picture a man (Christ--the bridegroom) & a woman (myself-the bride) sitting by my tree along the river holding on to each other, hand in hand, being guided through life..... I have pictured this man (Jesus, our savior) standing by that tree hands out, waiting for me to return when I think I can do things on my own or when I choose sins and selfish idols over Him.... I'm still a believer but one that fights battles against the flesh... but over & over again I learn that this battle can only be won in His Arms by that river... only then can others see the Gospel lived out in me as my tree (my life) bears fruit without fail! Because I am His, when I look or pull away, He waits... He loves me (like Hosea once loved).... He calls & draws me near..... He reminds me of His grace & love and at the tree I learn how to be the tree who bears fruit!!!
Okay, my time is up.... but I really do think about that often.... I can even sense when I need to draw near, sense Him standing at that tree calling me home... He promises to never leave nor forsake Me! Praise God because it is I who tends to pull away.... to go at life on my own... not basking in His promises.... but when I draw from that river at my tree I am able to glean from His promises in His Holy Word and grow and walk this life arm & arm with my Savior... He is our 1st Love!
The TREE amazes me... and the River--that feeds us gives me HOPE! The Savior Jesus Christ love is greater for me than any other can ever give! What a picture of love the bride & the bridegroom.... only when we know Him truly know Him can we come to His throne of Grace & be cleansed & look into our bridegroom's eyes who accepts us for the who we are! He fully knows us.... there are no secrets....
On to the NT, I am still amazed that when Jesus was born, He was placed in a manger (trough, most likely made of wood) He left his Heavenly Throne to be born in a manger.....
Then His earthly "adopted" father was a carpenter.... He was chosen for this task and I am amazed that Jesus grew up with Joseph who would've shared with Him his trade of life.....
Then He DIED on a CROSS (a tree)... there His blood was shed for mine.... He paid the price & bought us that we would accept His sacrifice & BELIEVE..... that He is the SON of GOD!
Thank You God, for your creation! For the TREE! And may I be a "Tree" that bears fruit for You and prospers Your Gospel for YOUR Glory!!!
Check out this song (video) that I have not been able to get enough of this song tonight.... so beautiful & greatly enjoyed watching the "My Hope America' Video in church the other week... you should check it out (on Billy Graham Evangelistic website) Here's the song from that movie:
Thank you Leslie for sharing your thoughts and your heart with us. Thank you for the reminder of how often the example of trees are woven through scripture. I am stopping by from Five Minute Friday, and I hope you have a lovely weekend.
ReplyDeleteThe TREE amazes me... and the River--that feeds us gives me HOPE!
ReplyDeleteME TOO! Thank you for sharing so beautifully!
What a great metaphor for Grace!!